
How to Start Snail Farming in Ghana|7 Easy Steps

How to Start Snail Farming in Ghana|7 Easy Steps

Snail farming, scientifically known as heliciculture, is a promising agribusiness venture in Ghana and the world. With a climate conducive to snail rearing and an increasing demand for snail products, entrepreneurs in Ghana can explore the lucrative opportunities snail farming offers. In this article, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to start and succeed in snail farming in Ghana.

How to Start Snail Farming 

Below are easy and straightforward steps on how to start snail farming in Ghana

Research and Planning

First thing you need to do is research to understand the different Snail species and which is best to rear. If you're reading this post, congratulations! You have already begun your snail farming journey.
Ghana is home to various snail species, but the Achatina species (Achatina achatina, Achatina fulica) which grow well in hot areas like Ghana are commonly farmed for commercial purposes.

Housing and Enclosures

Build shelters with proper ventilation, enough space for the snails to graze freely and protection from predators. You can use materials such as wood, bamboo, or plastic.

Securing Snail Stock

After setting up a safe snail house, purchase quality breeding snail stock from reputable suppliers or gather snails from the wild. Ensure they are free from diseases and parasites. You can study snails before going to purchase so you can know if the are healthy before purchasing.
In addition, aim for a balanced gender ratio and grown snails for breeding purposes.

Feeding and Nutrition

Snails require a diet rich in calcium for shell development. Feed them a mix of vegetables, fruits, and calcium supplements. Also, maintain a consistent water supply to prevent dehydration.
You can feed them cabbage, mango, banana, eggplant, pear, cucumber, paw-paw, mango leaves, okra leaves, and lettuce.

Health Management

Regularly inspect snails for signs of diseases or parasites. In cases where there are unhealthy snails, isolate and treat affected snails promptly.
Keep the farm clean will prevent the spread of infections.

Breeding and Reproduction

This is the essence of running a snail farm because it is from breeding and reproduction that you make profit.
In order to get good harvest, ensure to create a conducive environment for snail mating by maintaining the right temperature and humidity.

Harvesting and Marketing

Snails take time to grow but ensure to wait until they reach a marketable size before harvesting. You should also keep behind healthy mature snails at the farm for breeding. This way you can get a bigger harvest next time.
Establish connections with local markets, restaurants, and supermarkets. Consider value addition, such as processing snail meat or selling live snails.


What snail specie is best for snail farming in Ghana?

The Achatina Achatina is the best snail  specie to rear in Ghana.

How can I prevent diseases in my snail farm?

You can reduce diseases in  your snail farm by maintaining good hygiene, isolating infected snails, and regularly inspecting for signs of diseases. 

What is the gestation period for snails?

The gestation period varies, but it typically takes 2-4 weeks for snail eggs to hatch.

Can I start snail farming on a small scale?

Yes, snail farming is adaptable to various scales. You can start small and expand as you gain experience.


Embarking on a snail farming venture in Ghana requires careful planning, dedication, and ongoing learning. By following these steps and addressing common questions, aspiring snail farmers can lay the groundwork for a successful and sustainable agribusiness. As the demand for snail products continues to rise, investing in snail farming presents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs in Ghana.
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